As of right this moment I wish to get a degree in electric engineering. This is due to the fact that ever since last year in the digital electronic unit, I was intruiged on how knowing circuit design can significantly help understanding electronics and coding as a whole. Ever since then, it became a intrest I wish to persue, as I wish to work at JPL.
John Bardeen, an electric engineer known for broading the field electrical conduction in semiconductors and metals, won the Nobel prize in 1956. He often was working in the engineering department of the Western Electric Company at Chicago, and later he graduated with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1928. He continued on at Wisconsin as a graduate research assistant in electrical engineering for two years and eventually got his PHD in 1936. As a stubborn, hardworking, innovative, brave, and unique man, he intruiged me due to his humble beginnings, as he did come from a prestigious college for a bachelors and was willing to learn to gain new information. I love this carrier path due to the learning curve, as the more you dwell into it, the more you learn about physics, chemsitry, biology as well, even though it might be tiresome.